October 14, 2024
New breeding ground policy 2025 & beyond

This fall, the municipality is working on a new broedplaats policy. A policy that better suits the challenges we are currently facing, with a focus on realizing more affordable workspace for artists and other creatives.

In preparation for this, in early June we had a Call for you to think along. Based on the responses as well as on request, the following artists & creative entrepreneurs, are involved in this process: Damian van de Velde, Katarina Petrovic, Anastasia Chiarella. Jane Huldman, Rob Knijn, Nike Ayinla, Steven van Lummel, Michiel Corver, Peter George d’Angelina, Lilian Kreutzberger, Tijs van de Poll. Carola van der Heijden, Mourad Aouragh, Anouschka Vreeswijk.

Together with these professionals, the municipality forms the core group for the new ‘broedplaats policy’ and will explore what opportunities there are, what is needed to achieve more affordable workspace for artists and other creatives in The Hague. We will share the results of these Meet-Ups in the next newsletters!
