Founded in 2003 as an artist initiative, Billytown opened a gallery in May 2015 with the goal of becoming self-sustaining. It serves as a hybrid space for art, combining the commercial aspects of running a gallery with the identity of an artist initiative, producing and exhibiting artworks under one roof.

Billytown organises five to six exhibitions per year, inviting not only national and international, young and established artists, but also curators and writers. It functions as a platform to meet, exchange, experience, discuss and develop. Billytown also curates exhibitions at other initiatives and participates in various other projects in The Netherlands and abroad.

Fully run by the collective voluntary efforts of its artists, Billytown currently resides on the ground and first floor of the De Helena building, housing twenty studios, the gallery, a guest studio, a wood workshop, The Billytown Bookshop, and The Archives/Peter van Beveren Library.
Helena van Doeverenplantsoen 3,
2512 ZB, The Hague