December 09, 2024
Open Letter: Art & Culture Binckhorst

Ms. S. Bruines, alderman for Culture

Mr. R. van Asten, alderman for Urban Development

Municipality of The Hague

The Hague, December 4, 2024


Dear Aldermen,

We would like to propose explicitly making room for art and culture in the area vision, Doorontwikkeling Binckhorst.

Art and culture are inextricably linked to the Binckhorst. For decades the Binckhorst has been a breeding ground for artists who have their studios or workshops there. Countless artisanal makers, musicians and music producers have found their home in the Binckhorst. Art and culture make the qualities of the Binckhorst visible and tangible. Art and culture are part of the Binckhorst’s identity.

Now that plenty of space is being made for housing and a new public transport connection, it is becoming clear that (some of) this art and culture is in danger of disappearing. Most artists, makers, musicians and other cultural entrepreneurs work in spaces that are temporarily available, in buildings that are now on the verge of being demolished or rebuilt. There is no new place for them in the Binckhorst. And we find that incomprehensible, because art and culture are of great value to a residential area. Culture and art connect people, and give a neighborhood character and atmosphere.

We believe that the artists, musicians and creators already working in the Binckhorst should be able to stay. If they are unable to keep their current (temporary) place, we advocate affordable spaces where they can establish themselves and have their workplace.

We also believe it is important that the arts and culture sector in the Binckhorst be given room to grow. In this way, the ecosystem that now exists can continue to play a role for the development of young talents.

In the Binckhorst, space for craft makers and artists should be preserved and developed further. Space should also be made for local cultural facilities aimed at residents as well as innovative attractions. This fits well with the Core Values of the Binckhorst 2017-2030. We propose to start a (sub)workgroup on culture in the Binckhorst within the ongoing participation process and to discuss the above topics, with the aim of formulating text that will be included in the area vision and later in the Environmental Plan 2.0.

Kind regards,

BinckhorstBewoners, Liesbeth van Erp
I’M Binck, Sabrina Lindeman
PIP Den Haag, Steven van Lummel
Stichting Heelweg, Eric Vreedenburgh

With support by: All Sizes, Art The Hague, Club Afgelast, Collectief Patch, De Besturing, Goldband, Haags Cultuur Overleg, Haagse Broedplaatsen, Laaktheater, Lowlands, Marsel Loermans, Pianino Theater, Pollux studios, Sophie Straat, Starling Structures, Stichting Directieoverleg Haagse Musea, Stichting Nomadisch Paviljoen, Stroom, Studio Philip Vermeulen (Philip Vermeulen, Stephanie Van Der Laan, Tessa Nijdam, Derk Roelofsen, Deejay van Klanker, Robin Bergman, Kasper van der Horst, ArtScience Interfaculty, KABK, KonCon) en Vrienden van Den Haag.
